Key Information
Language of Content | Entity Label | Description | Aliases | |
English | Janez Drnovšek | Slovenian politician (1950-2008) | 0 | |
German | Janez Drnovšek | slowenischer Politiker und Staatsmann | 3 | |
Spanish | Janez Drnovšek | político esloveno | 1 | |
French | Janez Drnovšek | homme politique slovène | 1 | |
Dutch | Janez Drnovšek | econoom uit Slovenië (1950-2008) | 1 |
Significant Dates
Date of birth
Date of death
Other Identifiers
Type | ID | |
NLP ID | A38477269 | |
NKS ID | 000040144 | |
NKC ID | ola2002161212 | |
PLWABN ID | 9810658265205606 | |
RERO ID | 02-A003191453 |