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Jana Součková


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Jana Součková-Siegelová; her lifelong work in the field of ancient Near Eastern studies and in particular on the civilization of Anatolia and the Hittite language, as well as her function as director of the Naprstek Museum in Prague

Key Information

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Language of ContentEntity LabelDescriptionAliases
EnglishJana SoučkováJana Součková-Siegelová; her lifelong work in the field of ancient Near Eastern studies and in particular on the civilization of Anatolia and the Hittite language, as well as her function as director of the Naprstek Museum in Prague4
GermanJana SiegelováPrähistorikerin mit Schwerpunkt Naher Osten, ab 1967 Mitarbeiterin, von 1979-2008 Direktorin des Naprstek Museums Prag1
SpanishJana Siegelová0
FrenchJana SiegelováAssyriologue. - Spécialiste des Hittites. - Directeur du Musée Náprstek des cultures d'Asie, d'Afrique et d'Amérique, Prague (en 1996)2
DutchJana Siegelováarcheoloog van het Nabije Oosten uit Tsjecho-Slowakije0

Significant Dates


Date of birth

Other Identifiers

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NUKAT IDn2008049855
NKC IDjk01120492
NLI ID000122460
PLWABN ID9811465102705606
NLA ID35513543