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Philip Pullman


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English writer renowned for his influential contributions to fantasy literature. His notable works include the celebrated His Dark Materials trilogy and The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ, a fictionalized biography of Jesus. Recognized by The Times as one of the “50 greatest British writers since 1945” (2008) and ranked as the eleventh most influential person in British culture in a 2004 BBC poll, he was knighted in the 2019 New Year Honours for his services to literature

Key Information

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Language of ContentEntity LabelDescriptionAliases
EnglishPhilip PullmanEnglish writer renowned for his influential contributions to fantasy literature. His notable works include the celebrated His Dark Materials trilogy and The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ, a fictionalized biography of Jesus. Recognized by The Times as one of the “50 greatest British writers since 1945” (2008) and ranked as the eleventh most influential person in British culture in a 2004 BBC poll, he was knighted in the 2019 New Year Honours for his services to literature2
GermanPhilip Pullmanenglischsprachiger Schriftsteller0
SpanishPhilip Pullmanescritor inglés0
FrenchPhilip Pullmanécrivain britannique2
DutchPhilip PullmanBrits schrijver0

Significant Dates


Date of birth


Award receivedAstrid Lindgren Memorial Award (English)
Award receivedCarnegie Medal
Award receivedGuardian Children's Fiction Prize (English)
Field of activityFantasy fiction, English
Genre of activityLiterature


NameName Type
Philip (English)Given name
Sir (English)Honorific prefix
Pullman (English)Surname

Other Identifiers

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NLP IDA21286401
BLBND ID000581952
BNC IDa11211106
NLR ID7737225
NKS ID000130475