Key Information
Language of Content | Entity Label | Description | Aliases | |
English | Rodolfo Quezada Toruño | Catholic cardinal (1932-2012) | 0 | |
German | Rodolfo Quezada Toruño | guatemaltekischer Geistlicher, römisch-katholischer Erzbischof von Guatemala und Kardinal | 8 | |
Spanish | Rodolfo Quezada Toruño | arzobispo guatemalteco nacido en 1932 | 1 | |
French | Rodolfo Quezada Toruño | cardinal de l'Église catholique romaine | 1 | |
Dutch | Rodolfo Quezada Toruño | priester uit Guatemala (1932-2012) | 1 |
Significant Dates
Date of birth
Date of death
Other Identifiers
Type | ID | |
NUKAT ID | n2019218047 |