Key Information
Language of Content | Entity Label | Description | Aliases | |
English | Władysław III of Poland | King of Poland and Hungary (1424-1444) | 1 | |
German | Władysław III. | König von Polen, Ungarn und Kroatien | 0 | |
Spanish | Vladislao III Jagellón | rey de Polonia (1434 - 1444) y Trigésimotercer Rey de Hungría (1440 - 1444) | 1 | |
French | Ladislas III Jagellon | 0 | ||
Dutch | Wladislaus van Varna | politicus uit Grootvorstendom Litouwen (1424-1444) | 1 |
Significant Dates
Date of birth
Date of death
Other Identifiers
Type | ID | |
BAV ID | ADV12403232 | |
NUKAT ID | n97025754 | |
NKC ID | ola2002106762 | |
PLWABN ID | 9810541586805606 | |
J9U ID | 987007286650205171 |