Stanley Corngold


Entity Type:



prof. of German and comparative literature at Princeton Univ.; he is an executive committee member and past president of the Kafka Society of America as well as advisory editor of the Journal of the Kafka Society

Key Information

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Language of ContentEntity LabelDescriptionAliases
EnglishStanley Corngoldprof. of German and comparative literature at Princeton Univ.; he is an executive committee member and past president of the Kafka Society of America as well as advisory editor of the Journal of the Kafka Society2
GermanStanley CorngoldMitglied der Kafka-Society of America; Amerikan. Professor für Germanistik2
SpanishStanley Corngold0
FrenchStanley Corngoldprofesseur de langue et littérature allemande comparée0
DutchStanley Corngold0

Significant Dates


Date of birth

Other Identifiers

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NLP IDA17600534
NKS ID000511063
NUKAT IDn96005779
NKC IDpna2006338058
NLI ID000034977