Key Information
Language of Content | Entity Label | Description | Aliases | |
English | Giovanni Juan Ignazio Molina | Chilean priest, historian, botanist, ornithologist and geographer | 2 | |
German | Juan Ignazio Molina | chilenischer Priester und Naturforscher | 1 | |
Spanish | Juan Ignacio Molina | jesuita, historiador, botánico y geógrafo chileno | 4 | |
French | Juan Ignacio Molina | prêtre et naturaliste chilien (1740-1829) | 1 | |
Dutch | Juan Ignacio Molina | botanicus uit Chili (1740-1829) | 0 |
Significant Dates
Date of birth
Date of death
Other Identifiers
Type | ID | |
NUKAT ID | n2009083582 |