Key Information
Language of Content | Entity Label | Description | Aliases | |
English | William Lyon Mackenzie | 19th-century Canadian politician | 1 | |
German | William Lyon Mackenzie | schottisch-kanadischer Politiker und 1834 erster Bürgermeister Torontos | 0 | |
Spanish | William Lyon Mackenzie | periodista y agitador político canadiense de origen escocés | 0 | |
French | William Lyon Mackenzie | personnalité politique canadienne | 1 | |
Dutch | William Lyon Mackenzie | Canadees journalist | 1 |
Significant Dates
Date of birth
Date of death
Other Identifiers
Type | ID | |
NLP ID | A26744466 | |
NUKAT ID | n2015198061 | |
NKC ID | jx20070126002 | |
NLI ID | 000410077 | |
PLWABN ID | 9810597392905606 |