Key Information
Language of Content | Entity Label | Description | Aliases | |
English | José Luccioni | French opera singer | 1 | |
German | José Luccioni | 0 | ||
Spanish | José Luccioni | cantante de ópera francés | 1 | |
French | José Luccioni | ténor français | 0 | |
Dutch | José Luccioni | Frans operazanger (1903-1978) | 1 |
Significant Dates
Date of birth
Date of death
Name | Name Type | |
Joseph Luccioni (English) | Given name |
Other Identifiers
Type | ID | |
BNC ID | a11391698 | |
PLWABN ID | 9810599378105606 | |
SIMACOB ID | 89272163 |